BS and MS in Agronomy, more popularly termed as Crop & Soil Environmental Science. That was an interesting development for a kid who disliked dirt.
A house divided. I was a “freshman on campus” while my daughter was a “first year on grounds.” Our dog Hokie sure missed our Wahoo!
My daughter is named Schuyler which is where my grandparents grew up along with Earl Hamner, creator of The Waltons. (The boy name was Nelson.)
I wrote a business plan in college for a pick your own blackberry farm. My parents developed it into the 51st winery in Virginia.
I have my dream home - a small log cabin nestled in the woods along the Rockfish River. It truly is all about the location!
Traveling! Seeing the beauty around us in people, places, and culture. Pre-COVID I went to Morocco in the spring and Malta in the fall.