Give Boldly

Here at Nest Realty we’re passionate about giving back to our local community. If you’re interested in getting involved, take action! Consider volunteering at a nonprofit or charity, uphold your civic duties by voting, or donate financially. Here’s an ongoing list we’ve compiled of ways to give back to your local community.


Ready to volunteer, but not sure where to start? Here’s a list of opportunities, by area:












Don’t see your area listed? Volunteer Match is a site dedicated to matching volunteers with opportunities in your zip code. The United Way also has a volunteer portal, searchable by zip code. Think about activities you enjoy, and how you may be able to help out at them specifically—giving tours at an art museum, help with cleanup at a local park, or serving meals to the homeless at a rescue mission.


Another way to make a direct impact in your community is to uphold you civic duties and vote. It’s both a privilege and a responsibility. Eager for change? You can get involved in the political process on a local level. Take a voter education class through your local election office, or consider joining your local League of Women Voters.


If you are able, offering a financial donation to a local nonprofit or national charity can have a lasting impact. Find what speaks to you, and reach out to them directly to see how you can help. Think outside the box with gifts like donating your car to NPR (National Pubic Radio), or school supplies to a local class, or pet supplies to a local humane society.

Have a favorite local charity? We’d love to hear about ways that you are giving boldly.

Nest Realty does not directly endorse any of these organizations. 


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Posted in Asheville, Charlottesville, Fall/Winter 2018, Fredericksburg, Lake Norman, NEST Magazine, New River Valley, Raleigh-Durham, Richmond, Shenandoah Valley, Wilmington
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2 Responses to “Give Boldly”

  • Paige Lindblom

    Written on

    My name is Paige Lindblom and I’m the new Community Outreach Director for Wildrock, a 501(c)3 in Charlottesville, Virginia. I wanted to get in touch with you all to see if there is potential for partnership between Nest Realty and our non-profit. Our mission is “Nature Play for Health and Happiness” and our main focus is getting kids outside (and off screens). An important part of our outreach is bringing nature play to low income areas in Charlottesville. This summer alone, we have partnered with Charlottesville City and Albemarle County Schools, City of Promise. Creciendo Juntos, Boys and Girls Club, Abundant Life, and multiple low income neighborhoods (Greenstone on 5th, Friendship Ct, Westhaven and South 1st).
    We would love to be considered for one of your”Giving Boldly” events. Please let me know if you have any questions about what we do!

    • Jasmine Bible

      Written on

      Hello Paige,
      Thank you so much for your interest. I’ve passed your message along to the person who arranges the events, and they will reach out to you directly if there is an opportunity to collaborate. Wildrock sounds like a great organization with an important mission.

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