Meet the Agent: Anna Holcomb

Agent: Anna Holcomb

We’re proud of the team of agents we’ve assembled here at Nest Realty. We think they’re pretty awesome, and we think you will too. During our “Meet the Agent” series, we sit down with our agents to learn more about them, what makes them tick, and why they’re passionate about the real estate industry. In this installment, we chat with Anna Holcomb, a Broker with Nest Realty in Asheville, North Carolina.

Nest Realty: Tell us a bit about yourself! Where are you from? What brought you to Asheville?
Anna Holcomb: I love Asheville, my hometown.

NR: How did you get into real estate?
AH: Because I wanted to expose my hometown.

NR: What was your previous career? How has that prepared you for real estate?
AH: Before becoming a Broker, I was a commercial real estate assistant.

NR: What led you to Nest Realty, as opposed to another brokerage?
AH: Nest is the BEST!

NR: What is your favorite part of being an agent?
AH: Meeting new people and flexibility.

NR: Do you have a specific area of expertise to offer clients?
AH: I’m local and I know this area like the back of my hand.

NR: What makes you different from other agents? What sets you apart?
AH: I believe all members have to have the same ambition, passion, and drive.

NR: What are five adjectives that describe you?
AH: Communicative, humorous, understanding, comforting, and enthusiastic.

NR: Who would be your dream client?
AH: John Mulaney.

NR: If you had one piece of advice for a first-time home buyer, what would it be?
AH: Consider the property VERY well before making a decision—there’s no turning back!

NR: What is your favorite season in Asheville?
AH: It’s a tie between spring and fall!

Anna is a Broker with Nest Realty Asheville. She takes great pride in being part of her clients’ real estate experience, holding honesty and integrity with great reverence and carrying that with her in any working relationship. To learn more about Anna, visit her agent page.

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One Response to “Meet the Agent: Anna Holcomb”

  • sean donachy

    Written on

    Great interview with an wven greater person.

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