Meet the Agent: Wendy Lewkowicz

Wendy Lewkowicz

We’re proud of the team of agents we’ve assembled here at Nest Realty. We think they’re pretty awesome, and we think you will, too. During our “Meet the Agent” series, we sit down with our agents and brokers to learn more about them, what makes them tick, and why they’re passionate about the real estate industry.

In this installment, we chat with Wendy Lewkowicz, a Nest Realtor in Asheville, North Carolina.

Nest Realty: Tell us a bit about yourself! What brought you to the area? How long have you lived here
Wendy Lewkowicz: I’ve lived in Black Mountain/Montreat for 9 years. We moved here when my husband accepted the coaching position at Montreat College.

NR: How did you get into real estate? How long have you been practicing?
WL: I started dreaming. I had been a former middle school teacher and am currently a coach at the local high school, but I knew there was something I was missing. I love real estate and adore looking at different land for sale and seeing the potential different properties present. I also love helping people feel welcomed in our mountains and connecting people, so it finally clicked that real estate would be the perfect next step for me because it combines all of the things I love into one profession.

NR: If you are new to real estate? what was your previous career? How has that prepared you for real estate?
WL: I taught middle school, 2 years in Inner City Texas and 3 years in Missouri. I have coached middle school, college, and high school sports off and on for the last 20 years as well as professionally cleaned houses for people for the last 8 years. All of these professions lean heavily into being patient and finding a way, sometimes outside of the box, to bring success to a situation–even if it seems bleak. I have learned to work with all types of people and cultivated being flexible, kind, and compassionate to everyone as well as creating healthy boundaries for myself. Each of these professions has helped me to learn at a highly competent level quickly and with enthusiasm. I know how to set attainable goals, figure out the best ways to go after them, and succeed. I know how to work with the most elite clients, athletes, bosses, and people and can find a person’s unique goals and desires and match them up for success.

NR: What led you to Nest Realty, as opposed to another brokerage?
WL: I happened to hear the owner talking at an event and wanted to get to know her, Angie Cullens. Then I found myself asking about the firm and soon realized it was the perfect fit for me.

NR: What’s your favorite part of being an agent?
WL: I love helping people and seeing people feel they have accomplished exactly what they have hoped.

NR: Do you have a specific area of expertise to offer clients?
WL: I am great with helping first-time homebuyers and those relocating find their perfect landing spot. I can help guide their questions and answers to pinpoint properties they may not have thought about to find the right property.

NR: What are five adjectives to describe you?
WL: Empathetic, compassionate, meticulous, hard-working, and flexible

NR: Who would be your dream client?
WL: My dream client is a single parent who desperately wants to start new with their kids and just needs someone to listen, guide, and trust during the next transition.

NR: If you had one piece of advice for a first-time home buyer, what would it be?
WL: My advice for a first-time home buyer would be to first get prequalified to see what options are best for you, then decide on a healthy monthly budget that you can pay each month and not feel stressed. Then start looking in that price range for houses.

NR: What’s your favorite season? Why?
WL: My favorite season is winter because it’s beautiful! I love seeing mountains for miles and feeling the crisp air. I love scarves, gloves, warm socks, and hats as well as the blanket of snow when it settles down.

Experienced in teaching, coaching, and parenting her 4 boys, Wendy loves encouraging and supporting people.

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Posted in Asheville
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