Meet the Nester: Katie Lewis

Nester: Katie Lewis

We’re proud of the team we’ve assembled here at Nest Realty. We think they’re pretty awesome, and we think you will too. During our “Meet the Nester” series, we sit down with our Nesters to learn more about them, what makes them tick, and why they’re passionate about the real estate industry. In this installment, we chat with Katie Lewis, a Marketing Manager with Nest Realty in Roanoke, Virginia.

Nest Realty: Tell us a bit about yourself! What brought you to Roanoke?
Katie Lewis: I’ve loved living in Southwestern Virginia most of my life.

NR: How did you get into real estate?
KL: I loved creating great relationships in the marketing world so much, a partner like Nest made the transition logical!

NR: What was your previous career? How has that prepared you for real estate?
KL: I spent 15 years in the adult beverage industry before focusing full time on marketing.

NR: What led you to Nest Realty, as opposed to another brokerage?
KL: EVERYTHING that Nest has to offer to our agents and clients alike.

NR: Do you have a specific area of expertise to offer clients?
KL: Marketing and business development.

NR: What are five adjectives that describe you?
KL: Loyal, focused, driven, serene, and positive.

NR: Who would be your dream client?
KL: Dream? Oh, that would have to be George Strait.

NR: If you had one piece of advice for a first-time home buyer, what would it be?
KL: Stay within your budget and find a nest that you will love making your own!

NR: What is your favorite season in Roanoke?
KL: SUMMERTIME all the way!

Katie Lewis is a Marketing Manager with Nest Realty Roanoke. Focusing on recruitment, working directly with agents to grow their business, and raising awareness and market share for Nest are just a few of the things she’s excited to bring to the table. To learn more about Katie, visit her bio page.

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