Protecting Your Biggest Investment

man holding house on brown background

Your home will probably be one of the biggest financial investments you will make.

So, how do you easily maintain your home to earn more on it in the long run, maximizing your equity?

1. Regular maintenance is going to be key. Fixing things as they come up instead of waiting for your list to get longer will save you money and time in the long run. Make sure you are changing your air filters monthly, cleaning gutters, have your HVAC system serviced at least twice a year, keep grass and growth away from your home, keep large trees under control, and if they die, remove them before they can fall over on your home.

2. Curb Appeal. Keeping your exterior in tip-top shape keeps the cub appeal up, so if you ever do decide to sell, it is one thing that you have already taken care of and don’t need to worry about. First impressions are the best, so the better it looks on the outside, the better people are going to feel about it overall.

3. Improve Energy Efficiency. This will save you in the long run on energy bills, and will be appealing to future buyers because it will also save them money. Consider upgrades like energy efficient appliances, LED lighting, thicker insulation, and programmable thermostats.

4. Upgrade Key Areas. Key areas that are the most attractive to potential buyers are kitchens and bathrooms. Everyone loves a renovated kitchen and bathroom because it tends to be the most costly improvement, but it has the greatest return on investment.

At the end of the day, you will be living in your home and it won’t be perfect all the time. So don’t don’t be afraid to live in your home, just make sure that you still take care of it. Staying on top of important maintenance fixes as they come up will be beneficial in the long run and when you do decide to sell, make it even easier and more appealing to potential Buyers to max out on your investment! Be proud of what you own, and let everyone know it.

–Amber Fleck loves to welcome people to the area and share all of her favorite hidden gems. She enjoys the little things in life, and is thankful every day that she gets to do what she loves, and thoughtfully and intentionally help others navigate a major life decision. Contact her and learn more on her agent bio page here.

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