Your New Summer Project: Tips and Tricks for a Tidy Garage

Summer is upon us—it’s hot, it’s humid, and it took you way too long to dig through the clutter to find your sleeping bags for the kids’ camping trip in the back corner of your garage. It’s time for some garage organization! Boxes and bins, home equipment and tools, sports gear, and more are stacked in every corner—wasn’t spring cleaning supposed to happen just yesterday? Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think to tackle a massive summer clean-up and transform your messy garage into an organized, shelved space to be proud of.

Before getting crafty (put down and step away from the label maker…don’t worry, you’ll get to pick it back up in a second), there are three general tricks to garage organization that will ensure the success of your creative endeavors:

The first trick is zoning. Identify zones of your garage based on your needs, for example: a car zone, a work zone, an active equipment zone (think lawnmowers and tennis racquets), and a storage zone. If you have general areas to categorize where you will keep your items, you will more efficiently utilize your space.

Second, keep your space clean with space consolidation. Once you’ve separated your garage into zones, look at the items in each area. Could they be stored in a box or hung on the wall? Utilize your extra wall space and everything will feel less cramped.

The third trick to maintaining a tidy garage is labeling. It is easier to recall the inventory of your belongings if each container is labeled. You won’t even have to open them to check what’s inside—give your future self a hand and purchase some blank labels at your local Staples or Home Depot. Label the contents of every box, including how many of each item the box contains.

When tackling how to consolidate space, the following 10 organizational ideas are simple, clever “hacks” that are easy to learn or even create yourself:

1. Bucket Hose/Cord Storage


Source: Martha Stewart

Drill three holes in a triangular shape at the bottom of a bucket, use screws or bolts to attach the bucket to the garage wall, enforce the holes with washers (optional), and wrap your hose or extension cords around the bucket for a great use of wall space!

2. Spray Paint Holder



Purchase an Ikea shoe organizer to stash away your spray paint cans in an organized manner that doesn’t clutter!

3. Magnetic Tool Bar


Source: Acro-Magnetics

Magnetic tool bars that allow you to hang your metal items aren’t just for knives in the kitchen! You can easily hang tools, gadgets, and supplies on the strips in order to conserve space in your “work zone.” Easily install your tool bar with screws that are provided; you can find many on

4. Unfinished walls? Use Chair and Ball Storage


Source: Handyman

If you have unfinished walls with exposed studs on your garage, screw paired brackets of scrap wood (about 8 inches long at a 30 degree angle) to the sides to create a place to hang your lawn chairs. Tip: If your walls are finished, attach large hooks to the wall to hang the chairs!


Source: Designed to Do Well

Nail three wood pieces to the studs to create a square top, and then about four to six feet below, nail three more pieces of lumber to create a squared-out bottom. Drill matching holes into the top and bottom of the lumber, then attach three- to five-foot bungee cords. You can easily store the balls in between the bungee cords!

5. Color-coded pegboard


Source: Better Homes & Gardens

If you have more tools than you can fit on a magnetic tool bar, purchase a pegboard as a consolidated, efficient use of wall space. Also, this hack only requires a pegboard and S hooks. Hang a pegboard to the wall and paint color-coded squares to designate spots for specific tools or items.

6. Storage Corral


Source: Pretty Handy Girl

It’s useful to have most lightweight tools and objects stored on the pegboard or tool bar. However, longer tools such as yard tools and sports equipment can be bulky and too heavy to hang. Create a storage corral with scrap wood. Next, delineate sections of the corral with plywood scraps. Make sure to label each category!

7. Tape System


Source: Organization Junkie

Kid-friendly bikes, scooters, rollerblades, and more are often thrown to the side of the garage, spilling into your “storage zone” or even your “car zone.” Use tape to demarcate each toy’s “parking spot.”

8. Shelving


Source: Flickr: Rubbermaid

Purchase or install shelving in your “storage zone,” a great way to save space and stack your plastic bins. While shoes often pile up in a corner by the door, a shelving unit is more organized and creates a nice shoe rack.

9. PVC Pipe Organization

garage garage

Source: Organization Junkie

Manipulating PVC pipes requires a good saw, but they are inexpensive and definitely sturdy and convenient organizers. Stick smaller, shorter cords inside PVC pipes for organization or screw them into your corral or stud to create tool holders!

10. Coffee can storage


Source: Polished Habitat

Rope, string, and twine tangle in bins and aren’t thick enough to effectively wrap around your bucket on the wall. However, storing them in used coffee cans is efficient and accessible. Create a go-to rope and twine dispenser by cutting a slit in the lid, then voila! Easy access!

These garage organization tips will preserve your space, money, and sanity this summer. Consequently, anyone on a budget can use these tips that fit all types of garage sizes and functions. Send us pics of the tips, tricks, and hacks you decide to follow! Happy organizing!

Feature image photo credit: Flickr: RubberMaid Products

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Posted in Asheville, Charlottesville, Fredericksburg, New River Valley, Shenandoah Valley, Wilmington
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2 Responses to “Your New Summer Project: Tips and Tricks for a Tidy Garage”

  • Jon Wood

    Written on

    Hey Michael , that was very informational read. Thanks for sharing amazing tips DIY tips. . Tape system , magnetic bar and pvc pipe organization very useful tips.

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