What to Expect During a Buyer’s Consultation

Have you heard of a “buyers consultation” before and you’re not sure what it means?

Well, you came to the right place.

A buyers consultation is when you sit down, or set aside time on the phone, in which you discuss expectations, buyer agency, and the process of buying a home with a Realtor. It is also a way to get to know your agent, and for them to get to know you. The consultation is arguably just as important as getting pre-approved, and it sets the stage of what you should know as a buyer, and what you should be prepared for while looking at homes, making offers, and closing on your new home. It is also a perfect opportunity for you to ask any and all questions your have about the process.

As a Nest agent, we want to make the experience as memorable and as painless as possible. You will be provided a binder, called a “Buyers Workbook,” that will be your go-to to stay up to date with the process.

During the consultation, we will discuss a few things. First, will be financing, if you haven’t already spoken with a lender. This is the most crucial step, because you shouldn’t be touring homes until you are pre-approved. A lender will pull your credit, look at your income and debt-to-income ratio, and from that they will be able to determine how much you can afford.

We will go over the upfront costs for inspections, as well as the timeline from contract to close. You will make a list of needs and wants in a home. Determining your location based on county, school zone, or proximity to school and work will also be important.
All-in-all, the consultation should take no more than 30 minutes to discuss everything. But it is extremely important before touring homes, so you as a Buyer know what to expect, and your agent can properly help you find a home.

Are you ready to start looking for a home? Contact me today to set up your Buyer’s Consultation!

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